The Place and Importance of Salt in Mevlevi Order

Yılmaz Seçim, mehmet koru

  •  Year : 2024
  •  Vol : 3
  •  No : 1
  •  Page : 75-91
Salt is one of the oldest known spices in human history. It has been determined that there is a salt shaker in the ancient city of Çatalhöyük, located in Çumra district of Konya province. Salt, which contains many minerals, has positive and negative contributions to human health. Salt is used for flavoring purposes in meals, salads and many products. Apart from sweetening purposes, it is known to be among the oldest known food preservation methods in the world. Apart from food, salt has some religious meanings. Salt is considered sacred both in true religions and in other religions. This sacred acceptance has contributed to many salt-related rituals becoming a tradition. It is known that in Judaism, apart from Islam, meals start with salt, and this situation is similar to Islam. In addition to religions, sects have developed and implemented many rituals regarding salt. One of these sects is the Mevlevi sect, which dates back 800 years. It is known that there are many rituals about salt in Mevlevi order. One of these rituals in Mevlevi culture is to start and end the meal with salt. This tradition, which is a Mevlevi ritual, is still a practice continued by many people. Based on this ritual, today Hz. It is known that visitors can take/leave salt for abundance in the tomb of Ateşbaz-ı Veli, Mevlana's cook and the first person in the world to have a mausoleum built in his name. Visitors believe that they will find healing and abundance with this salt they buy from the tomb. Many literary, historical and gastronomic studies have been conducted on the subject of salt, and the number of these studies will continue to increase in the future. This study will contribute to studies on salt. Within the scope of the study, 14 people were interviewed. In light of the findings; It has been determined that in Mevlevi order, rituals related to salt continue, and some businesses in Konya even tell their guests about the salt ritual before and after the meal. It has been determined that the rituals performed with salt in different religions are similar to each other.
Cite this Article As : Seçim, Y., & Koru, M. (2024). Mevlevilikte tuzun yeri ve önemi. NEUGastro, 3(1), 75-92.

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The Place and Importance of Salt in Mevlevi Order, Research Article,
, Vol. 3 (1)
Received : 07.05.2024, Accepted : 03.06.2024 , Published Online : 30.06.2024
E-ISSN: 3023-5693 ;
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